The Masonic Mountain Men (MMM) Degree Team was originally organized by Past Master Wilson Arthur Windham, MMM No.I while serving as Worshipful Master of the sponsoring Lodge~John Henry Wooten, Sr. Lunar Lodge No. 503, F&AM, Jones County, Mississippi as a testament and celebration of the lodge’s One Hundredth Anniversary.
The minimum mountain man regalia consist of a Customized Authentic Handmade Wool Trade Blanket Capote, Handmade Elk hide moccasins and masonic apron, period correct Handmade Osnaburg shirts, pants and a possible bag. Accessories may include other items and clothing normally used by the mountain man prior to 1840. All attire is authentically produced to represent the actual mountain man dress from the period of 1804 to 1840. All participating members of the degree team confer the degrees in authentic attire. The educational aspects and authenticity of the regalia is one of the things that degree attendees say makes the presentation exciting, unique and inspirational. The MMM degrees are indicative of how our Masonic Forefathers would have performed degrees by starlight and campfire under star decked heavens as they trapped and traveled the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains of North America.
Strict research has been done from the time our Brothers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, under orders for the Great Expedition to find a way West by President and Brother Thomas Jefferson, set out to find a route to the Pacific Ocean in May of 1804. These great Masons and Patriots were very active Masonically as they conferred numerous degrees under the canopy of heaven on high hills and in low vales and fulfilled the orders of President Jefferson.
Brothers Lewis and Clark began what would be a short-lived portion of our American History as many of their expedition would be raised Master Masons and continue to trap, raise and guide others westward. The Mountain Men Rendezvoused annually to trade their wares and often to confer degrees. History teaches us that they conferred many Masonic Degrees during this period of less than 40 years which ended in 1840 at the last Rendezvous held ‘on the Green’ at the converse of Horse Creek and the Green River near Daniel, Wyoming.
The Masonic Mountain Men held The First Annual MMM Rendezvous and Starlight Campfire Degree conferral January 23, 2010. A beautiful timbered outdoor lodge setting has been established at the converse of Martin and Rocky Creek between Lake Hatten and Lake Ivell in western Jones County, Mississippi for the annual MMM degree. The date is set annually on the Saturday on or closest to the first full moon in February.
To date over 14,000 Masons have witnessed this unique degree team as they have conferred degrees all across the United States. This team has performed this beautiful work by special invitation of the Grand Masters of Tennessee, Georgia, Louisiana and Alabama. Invitations are outstanding in several states including Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio and Colorado.
The MMM degree team is limited and consists of only twenty-four (24) active members. Several members have retired, passed to the celestial lodge above and/or relinquished their active status but remain inactive members. Members must be Past Masters, be proficient in the adopted work and recommended, elected and accepted by unanimous vote of the degree team active members. Members are assigned a unique number for life with their credentials and a special MMM pin for lapel use outside of the mountain man regalia. The team confers any of the three (3) degrees in ancient craft masonry and has some of Mississippi’s finest ritualist coming from Lodges all over Mississippi. Members include several Past Grand Masters, District Deputy Grand Lecturers and usually one or more members are current Grand Lodge Officers.
To inquire about degree work, schedule a degree or request a speaker for an educational program contact the team schedulers; PM Wilson Windham, MMM No.I, at 601.498.4444 or PGM Bobby Ainsworth, MMM No.III, at 601.477.3994. Visit our web site USMMM.US for additional information.